Anti-racism: doing it right

As part of our commitment to anti-racism, specifically anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism we’re doing the work to engage in analysis, education, and action. To remain accountable, we’ve set-up anti-racism working groups to focus on three key areas: naming and eliminating barriers preventing Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) from entering and progressing in the […]

Alzheimer’s awareness month: stigma and the need for understanding

Perhaps it’s fear. Perhaps it’s ignorance. Perhaps it’s a bit of both that causes many people to offer up a half-hearted joke about forgetfulness when I tell them about our campaign for the Alzheimer Society of Canada. The campaign is live now, throughout January, which is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. The jokes are a predictable but […]

Guest blog: Are you in a communications rut?

Non-profits often contact me when their communications efforts no longer produce satisfactory results. They can struggle to evaluate their communications investments, innovate, and improve. A quick communications audit can highlight where teams may have fallen into a communications rut, providing a fresh perspective on how to optimize resource allocations to maximize impact. We can all get […]